elektromontáže, elektroinstalace, elektro projekce, veřejné osvětlení

Certification and memberships in organizations


Several years ago the company introduced an integrated management system according to ISO 9001, ISO 10006, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 standards. These standards are binding for all employees and subcontractors and apply to all operations.

“A“ – Highest credibility rating

“A“ - Highest credibility ratingIn 2013 the company was awarded an international award “A” and belongs among a group of companies with the highest level of credibility in the Czech Republic. The company has met the strictest criteria of credibility and reliability for two years before and therefore belongs to the exclusive group of 0.6 per cent of Czech companies that can use certification “A” as a symbol of high rating which guarantees a safe investment to the investor.

More information about credit ratings

ISO 9001 – Quality Management System

ISO 9001 - Quality Management SystemA continuous improvement of management system is essential for the company’s development in a strongly competitive environment. Process management helps us constantly improve the high quality process of building construction.

More information about ISO 9001

ISO 10006 – Project Management System

ISO 10006 - Project Management SystemThe company is ensuring continuous improvement of the quality of their projects. In 2013 the company received professional certification which focuses explicitly on implementation and standardization of project management processes.

More information about ISO 10006

ISO 14001 – Environmental Management System

ISO 14001 - Environmental Management SystemWe feel a particular responsibility towards the environment protection. It increasingly reflected in our business activities in the last decades. The company has introduced environmental management system and commits to long-term efforts to reduce energy intensity by choosing environmental friendly materials, reducing operating costs in accordance with the effective utilization. These steps eventually lead to lower costs for recycling waste.

More information about ISO 14001

OHSAS 18001 – Health and Safety Management System

OHSAS 18001 - Health and Safety Management SystemELMOS s.r.o. respects the need to constantly monitor and improve health and safety at work. Therefore the company committed to operate in the way to minimize possible risks.

More information about OHSAS 18001

List of qualified suppliers

List of qualified suppliersELMOS LIBEREC s.r.o. was on 14th January 2013 registered in the List of Qualified Contractors maintained under § 125 subs. Act No. 137/2006 Sb., on public procurement under registration number 20120003244. The Ministry for Regional Development is in charge of this register.
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Company Awards 2009 Liberec Region

Company Awards 2009 Liberec RegionThe company was awarded “1st place in Company Awards 2009 Liberec Region” for its long-term quality results among 10,000 comprehensive competition participants. More information is available on the Liberec region website.

More information about Company Awards 2009 Liberec Region

Members of Chamber of Commerce & Czech Electrical Association

Members of Chamber of Commerce 13. 3. 2007Members of Chamber of Czech Electrical Association 11.10.2006Since 2007 Elmos s.r.o. is a member of Chamber of Commerce and since 2006 the company is a member of Czech Electrical Association.