elektromontáže, elektroinstalace, elektro projekce, veřejné osvětlení

Electro design

Elektro projekce

We provide complex electro design „A to Z“. Design of electrical transmission systems (electric distribution), connections, lightning conductors, photovoltaic and wind power stations, including all steps to gain a building permission.

Price quotation request

  • Electro design high voltage „power current“

    • High voltage and low voltage cabling
    • Relocation and installation of all outdoor low voltage|high voltage|extra high voltage cable lines
    • High voltage transformer substations and distributing substations
    • For installations of solar and wind power stations
  • Electro design low voltage „weak current“

    • Public lighting in streets, parking, industrial place or other public places and streets
    • Signalling equipment (traffic lights) and traffic signs – road, rail
    • Electrical fire alarm systems
    • Emergency Sound Systems, called „evacuation radio“
    • Entrance gates and barriers – Self-supporting sliding, taxiway gates, two wing gates opening inwards and outwards, fully automatic control unit, fencing metal, separate drives including automatics
    • Relocation and installation of all outdoor low voltage cable lines
  • Engineering and consulting

    • Processing project documentation for land management
    • Processing project documentation for building permission
    • Processing project documentation for construction
    • Related engineering services – procuration of the submitter in administrative action,
      obtaining the necessary statements and opinions of the authorities and other
      parties which are essential for issuing all decisions until issuing building permission
      with the coming into legal force
    • Property rights in construction – purchase contracts, easement of access, lease contracts, expropriation

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