elektromontáže, elektroinstalace, elektro projekce, veřejné osvětlení

Renewable energy resources

Renewable energy resources

We provide assembly, installation, repairs and maintenance of equipment for solar power stations and wind power stations with the support of grant programs and funds. We are delivered high quality components by leading and trustworthy manufacturers. Equipment meets the high quality standards concerning effectiveness, durability and warranty.

Price quotation request

  • Assembly, installation, repair and maintenance of solar power stations

  • Assembly, installation, repair and maintenance of wind power stations

    • Small and medium-sized wind power devices – power supply for large equipment or a few buildings, usually supply electricity to electric network (power to approx. 100 kW)
    • Wind power stations – power supply for villages and towns – always supply electricity to electric network (power approx. kW up to MW)
  • Grant programs and funds

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